Peru: Puebla de Piñas

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Peru: Puebla de Piñas

from $16.00

The small village of Piñas is located in Peru's northern district of Chontalí, and home to about 30 coffee producing families. This hilly, mountainous region is home to some very high altitude coffees, and the farms in Piñas start around 1800 meters above sea level. Altitude plays an important role in coffee bean density, as the higher altitude zones generally have thinner air and colder temperature than the lowlands, slowing down coffee maturation and building dense cellular structure. Dense coffees are known for higher potential for sweetness and acidity.

Cupping Notes: Semi-sweet chocolate chips, honey, almond, hints of herbal tea and dried apple

Brew Recommendations: Espresso, drip, French press, pour over

Farm Gate Coffee: Farmers paid at least 50% above Fair Trade

Varietals: Heirloom Cultivars

Region: Pueblo de Piñas, Chontali

Processing Method: Wet process (washed) and patio sun-dried

  • Sustaining Level: $16 per 12 oz bag

  • Uplifting Level: $20 per 12 oz bag

  • Benefacting Level: $24 per 12 oz bag

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