Guatemala: Proyecto Xinabajul Peaberry

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Guatemala: Proyecto Xinabajul Peaberry


This is a peaberry selection made up of many, many of the small-holders in the Huehuetenango highlands. We are really excited to offer a peaberry to Top Cup customers. Peaberries are often recognized as being sweeter since a single seed receives all of the nutrients. This coffee is quite versatile, working well as espresso, pour over, drip, and French press.

Cupping notes: Creme brûlée, toffee, bittersweet cacao nib, green tea

Brew Recommendations: drip, French press, pour over, espresso

Varietals: Bourbon types - Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica

Region: Huehuetenango highlands

Processing Method: Wet process

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